Results: 6

    Síntese de evidências para políticas de saúde: estratégias para redução da mortalidade materna no estado do Piauí
    Synthesis of evidence for health policies: strategies to reduce maternal mortality in the state of Piauí

    No mundo, os principais motivos dos óbitos maternos são as causas diretas, com destaque para os distúrbios hipertensivos e a eclampsia (SAY et al., 2014). No Piauí não é diferente, já que as principais causas diretas de óbito na gravidez, parto e puerpério são: eclampsia (16,4%), hemorragias ob...

    Silent killer, economic opportunity: rethinking non-communicable disease

    Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) are a major global challenge, one that causes most of the deaths and disability among humans. These diseases are not transmissible from one person to another. They include cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, diabetes and mental health disorders, b...

    Policy brief on promoting physical activity among adolescents

    Regular physical activity (PA) is an underlying factor since childhood and adolescence for having a healthy and active future for life. The aim of this stud y was to review the evidence on increasing the youth PA to develop the national program at country level. At first, the databases were searched usin...

    Communicating evidence-based information on cancer prevention to state-level policy makers

    Opportunities exist to disseminate evidence-based cancer control strategies to state-level policy makers in both the legislative and executive branches. We explored factors that influence the likelihood that state-level policy makers will find a policy brief understandable, credible, and useful....

    Integrated Health Care for People with Chronic Conditions: a policy brief

    Clinical research has led to spectacular developments in health care. It has provided us with knowledge about how to prevent diseases, like heart disease, how to reduce the consequences of disease, such as complications of diabetes, and to alleviate symptoms, such as those of lung disease, and how to reh...